Saturday, May 10, 2014

Inspiring Photographer - Silvia Grav

Copyright Silvia Grav Copyright Silvia Grav

I really like this image by Silvia Grav. It’s part of her “Universe” series, and it’s one of those images that just speaks to me and makes me wish I’d taken it/come up with the idea for it. I like just about everything about it. The lighting is tight and extreme, which fits with the idea that she’s being skewered by a bolt of stars. The processing makes it look like it’s shot on film, which adds a bit of grit and realness to the image. The pose of the subject is great, it really gets motion and emotion across well. Everything works well to create a strong image. Great job!

Inspiring Photographer - Silvia Grav

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tim Engle Framed Show Profile

There is a lot of gold in this video with Tim Engle from Framed Network. A lot of his techniques are incredibly powerful, and what he has to say about being a photographer is just as strong. Be sure to check out his portfolio, it’s got some really good stuff in it.


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Tim Engle Framed Show Profile

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

COOPH Photography Hacks Video

Photographer Leo Rosas demonstrates seven different simple and fun photography “hacks” that you can do quickly and easily on the cheap. There’s some fun stuff in here, and the best part is none of it will cost very much. In a climate where seemingly every new photography trick or effect comes with a price tag it’s reassuring to see some creativity and resourcefulness get fun results. Great stuff!


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COOPH Photography Hacks Video

Monday, May 5, 2014

Jenni Soft

Copyright all Rights Reserved 2014 * Tim Lewis Photography Copyright all Rights Reserved 2014 * Tim Lewis Photography

This picture was taken a few minutes after this one, in exactly the same setup and lighting arrangement. The only difference is that I put up a loose wrap of thin tulle fabric around where I was shooting through. It’s really amazing what a difference doing something so small can have. Suddenly the picture is far more subtle and nuanced. The setting seems more environmental in a way. There’s often a sort of onlooker feel to when a picture is taken looking around something, like you’re peeking at something that isn’t necessarily supposed to be public, but this picture sidesteps all that with the direct eye contact and excellent viewer interaction. I kept the processing really simple, just a clean black and white version, did some dodging and burning to accentuate the tulle and that’s about it. Simple soft elegance.

Jenni Soft

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Street Punctuation Idea


I’m a little hesitant to share this idea, really. It’s such an easy idea to put together, and it would definitely make a strong advertising type image. Pretty simple thought, really. Find a location that has a background that looks a little bit like a punctuation mark of some kind, and then have a subject walk by so that they are a part of that punctuation. Process the image to emphasize the punctuation, and you’re done. Maybe think about having the subject act out the punctuation a bit…. so if it’s an exclamation point like in my sketch, have them model a shocked expression. Ahhh, it’s such a good idea! Why have I not done this yet?

Street Punctuation Idea