Thursday, October 23, 2014

Little kids as old People Photoshoot - Retouched by Amy Dresser

Photo Illustrations By Zachary Scott, Retouched by Amy Dresser Photo Illustrations By Zachary Scott, Retouched by Amy Dresser

I love the concept and execution of these Photographic Illustrations by Zachary Scott. If I had kids, there would be so many pictures like these of them, it would be ridiculous. I heard about these from my favorite retouched, Amy Dresser whose work is never short of amazing. The series was done for an article in the NY Times about mental aging, and I’m having a hard time coming up with a better idea for images to accompany that subject than these. Just amazing work all around. I highly recommend Amy’s work, and have just discovered Zachary’s porfolio, and it’s definitely worth a look as well.

Little kids as old People Photoshoot - Retouched by Amy Dresser