so at the moment i own 3 1/2 flashes. i have 3 sb-28s, and one colorsplash flash (which i consider to be half a flash, since it seems to be about half as powerful as the '28s). so i had the brilliant idea to rig all three sb-28s together and create a monster. this is it:

sexy, isn't she?
then i figured, with that amount of light going off, i could almost compete with the sun. so i dragged the beast out into the backyard, exposed my camera for the sky, stood in front of the triple headed monster, and pulled the trigger.
it was kinda scary, i'm not going to lie.
but it worked. which is cool. this is something i didn't think my equipment was capable of.... i'm planning on buying some kind of a super-powerful light, either an alienbee or a white lightning monobloc to do exactly this sort of thing. to take a day when the sky is clear and light blue, and darken the sky down to almost a late afternoon kind of a feel, and still have proper exposure on my subject.
my camera's sync speed is 1/200th of a second. that's the highest speed it can go and still catch the flash going off. if i make a faster exposure than that (say 1/320th) the shutter opens and closes before the flash can light up my subject. so that's my shutter speed ceiling.
as far as aperture goes, this one is at f/25. that's a lot smaller of a hole than i'm usually at. that's why absolutely everything in the frame is sharp. the depth of field is huge at this aperture. i usually like my background out of focus, but at this aperture, that's not an option.