today's idea was sort of a take on film noir, where they would often light around objects and people, so that the person has a lot of shadows wrapped around them. it's a very mysterious look.
the problem with the noir feel is a lot of the time you can't see the face of the subject.... so to make sure that didn't happen here i set up a flash through a grid spot aimed right at my lovely assistant's face. all the other light was provide by two sb-28s into reflective umbrellas on other side and slightly behind alisia. this gave her a really soft wrap of light around her shoulders and hair, and left everything else mysterious.
i really like the highlights on her forearms and hands. i think that was really successful.
i had a hard time with the light falloff on the wall behind her, though. our living room isn't all that big, and it's tough to get the lights far enough away from the wall to not make obvious light edges. anyways. i think this is a good technique, and i'll have to explore it again further in the future. if i took some time with this image and did some dodging and burning, it would be really fantastic.
setup shot:

digging this noir look here. it reminds of this family photo that was shot when i was going to a catholic school. my brother and i are dressed up in this upper crust prep boy outfit. your assistant looks much better!