Friday, October 30, 2009

day 159 - stealing from dc

dean collins was a photographer in the '80s who made a series of videos demonstrating his lighting techniques. the guy was phenomenal. he did it all.... jewelry, portraits, outside stuff, inside stuff, motorcycles, cyc walls.... everything. his videos should be required viewing for anyone interested in lighting technique.

one of the techniques he used from time to time was using a mirror with a colored gel taped to it to color in his backgrounds. this was the '80s, so brightly colored neon-ish background were all the rage. but it's easy to tone it down a bit and make things more subdued and contemporary.

so i used that move here.... i took alisia's concave beauty mirror, and taped a variety of cto gels to it, then aimed a flash at it and angled it to project the light onto the background of my shot. it's a great technique to use because the light has to go through the gel, bounce off the mirror, then go through the gels again, so the light gets filtered / colored twice. it's effectively doubling up the number of gels you're using, which results in a more intense color than you'd otherwise get.

not much else to this shot. beauty dish high camera right, white reflector under the chin, crazy eyed look, and it's done.

setup shot:

mirror shot:

1 comment:

  1. and you didn't do the 80's color why? i am liking this though a lot. is that the really size of the mirror? it looks crazy small!
