Friday, October 2, 2009

day 72 - the usual style

seems like i've been doing so much lately that's more experimental for me, or more of me trying to deconstruct what someone else has done, i felt like i should get a bit more back to the simple style, and do something that's not incredibly unusual or way outside of my comfort zone.

my goal with this project is still to break new ground, and find new ways of doing things, but it's also to sift through all that new knowledge and see what parts of it can actually be deployed in pursuit of great photography. it's not enough to just figure out new ways to do things, you also have to figure out how to get results doing things in new ways.

so this is a sort of return to the baseline day. a simplish shot. it's just a flash into an umbrella, with the flash head turned so a lot of light goes raw over to a reflector for a bit of fill. add a camera with two red gels throwing a bit of light up into the top right of the photo, and it's done.

b/w conversion in photoshop, and that's it.

setup shot:

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