Tuesday, October 6, 2009

day 92 - water glass

i really struggled with this one. usually i shoot with the largest possible aperture.... for my standard lens it's somewhere around f3.5 this gives me a nice shortish depth of field, so i can separate myself from the background and draw the viewer's attention right to me (the eye abhors a lack of focus, and will go straight to the part of the picture that is in focus). so i set up this glass of water shot the way i always do. and no matter what i did, i could not get it to get me in focus. i tried manually focusing on a tripod standin, i tried shining a light on my face for the autofocus, i tried everything. couldn't get an in focus shot to save my life.

so i gave up on it for awhile. thought about it a bit, then came back and tried again with a much smaller aperture. took it down to f11 to stretch out the depth of field a bit, and that did the trick.

one other thing you have to do when you close up the aperture is turn up the power on all the flashes you're using. after shooting 30 frames or so i think my batteries are about dead. oh well. a couple of hours on the charger and they'll be good as new.

setup shot:

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