Thursday, January 7, 2010


never really dug the hdr thing.... can't really use it for portraits, all that noise looks kinda stupid, blah blah blah. but it does do stuff like this kinda nice. and maybe i can figure out a way to make it do portraits or something.

oh, and that's our street right now. they say we might get 10" of snow. cool. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

new equipment....yeaahhhhh!!!!!

yep, so today i got some new equipment in. i got an alien bee 800, a vanguard battery pack, and an alien bee ringflash (that's the ab800 and ring flash up there in the picture). so yeah, two new flashes, each of which is three times as powerful as any flash i had before. and i'm not going to lie, these lights are pretty sexy.

so i spent most of today getting to know my new lights..... this is the honeymoon period, when we're exploring each other, finding out all those little quirks that are so delightful right now, and will drive you crazy in about a year.

but yeah, the best thing is that now i can throw huge amounts of light around. i still have my small flashes, and i'm still going to use them a lot, but anytime i need more power (for outside, or lighting a large area, or something far away..... whatever) i'm reaching for these.

so, like i said, we're still getting to know each other. but i took this picture, and i quite like it:

it's everything i'm drawn to in a picture. dark, moody, mysterious but lit well. i was using the ring light as a ring light, hence the ring shadow there..... probably will get tired of that look really quick..... but for now, i'm feeling it.

anyways. new lights are always exciting.