Thursday, March 11, 2010


these pictures are from about a month ago..... had to sit on 'em until the client let me release them out into the world. anyways, i took a few pictures of a band i know here in chicago playing live.... not really my thing, shooting live events, but some of the pictures came out really well, so i'm posting 'em here.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

moody light

i've been working the restricted light-thing for a couple of weeks now, trying to get optimal results, and this is just about the closest i've gotten so far to what i have in my head. my idea is to light the "front part" of the face more than the "back part" of the face, thereby wrapping the jawline in soft shadows, creating a sort of emerging from the darkness-mysterious look.

and of course tako had to be a part of it, so there she is, always the scene-stealer.