Tuesday, December 15, 2009

day 340 - if you're gonna do it

if you're gonna do it, do it a lot. and think about what you're doing while you do it. think about what effect it's having, think about what's working and what isn't. do it again. compare new results to old. ask if it's better, or worse. ask why it's better or worse. then do it again. and again and again and again. look and think and look and think and try and try and try. then do it some more. you have to grind to make those little steps that other people think are so easy to take. figure out what works. then throw it away and start over. figure out something else that works, then throw that away and start again. this is style of no style, this is responding to what the concept requires. it sucks, but it's the only way i can think of to do it.

setup shot:

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