Wednesday, September 16, 2009

day 36 - hard soft

the goal today was to get a strong shadow on my face. mission accomplished. i achieved this look using a 42" silver reflective umbrella high camera right, and a sb-3 softbox eye level - behind me - camera left.

i think this type of light is very pleasing to the eye because it involves a lot of dark areas next to light areas. so there's a lot of contrast in a lot of places, which is interesting to the viewer. compare my right shoulder to my left. my right shoulder has harder light on it, and that's defining all these folds and creases in my sweatshirt. my left shoulder is getting very soft wrap around light, and the folds and creases there aren't nearly as defined.

so i like this picture. it has hard and soft. when i first started taking pictures seriously i was convinced that soft light was the way to go. the softer the better. and sometimes that's a good strategy. but i started to realize how limiting that strategy could be. sometimes you need hard edges. i'm starting to be more enamored with using both hard and soft light simultaneously. it's fun.

setup shot:

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