Wednesday, September 16, 2009

day 38 - circle diffuser

i was joined halfway through this photoshoot by my lovely partner in crime, who walked in and said "uhh.... what are you doing?" and then was quickly talked into doing some improvised kung fu poses.

yep, my powers of persuasion are legendary around here.

anyways. i'm still playing with my new stuff. this is using my 40" 5-in-1 as a diffuser. i set up the circle high camera left, and then positioned a strobe behind it. it's a lot like using a shoot-through umbrella, but since it's not umbrella shaped it doesn't taper away from you quickly. this is the real reason i bought this reflector/diffuser rig. using this you can walk outside in the middle of the day, hold it up over someone's head so that it softens and diffuses the direct, hard sunlight..... and bam! perfect lighting conditions right there. i'm thinking it's a must have piece of equipment.

so yeah. easy setup. i was thinking color contrast, so i set up a 42" silver umbrella w' a blue/green gel as a rimlight, but it's not really doing much.... i got so into alisia's kung fu poses i forgot to adjust it properly.

setup shot:

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