Saturday, October 10, 2009

day 105 - diy softbox

yep, cheesy, i know. a literal frame within my frame. but whatever. i think it lends an interesting graphical element to the image. i've seen wedding photographers do this sort of thing, get some ornate frame, paint it gold, then have wedding guests hold it in front of them and pose behind it. gives 'em something to do with their hands, i guess.

anyways. the idea for this post is this:

that's a lampshade from a lamp we have in our living room. i clamped it to a light stand horizontally, put a flash behind it and then draped some white fabric over the front (i used a diffusion screen from my big softbox) and something opaque over the top (reflector skin for trigrip diffuser), and bam. homemade softbox.

it worked pretty well, i think. good soft light, not too big of a light source. not very moveable.... it took two lightstands to make it work, so that was a bit awkward to adjust or move at all. but the picture results are quite nice.

it's weird how most lighting equipment can be built out of spare or random things around the house.... when you buy "professional equipment" you're really just paying for ease of use and portability.

setup shot:

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