Tuesday, November 3, 2009

day 169 - big light

this is what i noticed the other day when i was working my diy vignette..... when you set up a flash to pour a lot of light directly into the lens, it creates this bleached out ethereal feeling look to the picture. and since the flash isn't putting any light (or not much, at least) back onto the subject, the subject's values all stay mostly the same and can be treated just like always.

it's a cool effect.... i think i've seen it in fashion type shots before. i always assumed it was some kind of post production move, but apparently not.

anyways. so, for this one i've got an sb-28 and my colorsplash flash about six inches away from the lens, one on either side of it, pointed straight in. the angle is set up to avoid lens flare, and just put a lot of light into the camera. then i've got a softbox and a trigrip bounce illuminating the subject from camera right. i wanted something strongly directional, since i figured it would be really bleached out, i wanted some semblance of a darker tone in there somewhere.

setup shot:

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