Monday, August 31, 2009

day 13 - b/g/w cube

this idea is from a how-to-light dvd i watched a while back. it was more of a light-the-movie-set type tutorial, but it had some great information in there that applies to photography as well.

so, the goal of this shot is to take a picture of a white paper cube so that one side is white, one side is grey, and one side is black, using only lighting techiniques. my solution was to have the naked light source on the white, a reflector (piece of white paper) on the grey (adjusting the distance to control the shade of grey), and a piece of black construction paper as a subtractive fill on the black side (just outside of the frame). and there it is.

to make it more of a challenge for myself, i actually did this three times, changing each time which side was white, which side was black, and which side was grey. once you know the principles involved, it's not that difficult.

strobist info: there's actually no flash involved with this one. i used a desklamp with a bare bulb about six inches away from the cube (the cube is probably a 1/2 inch square on each side). then a sheet of white paper as a reflector for the top, and black paper as subtractive fill for the left. i used my old camera, a sony dsc-v1 in manual mode, at 1/4 second f4.0 -- slight vignette in lightroom and a curves adjust, and that's it.

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